Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trip to Kuantan

Last thursday (27/11/08) me and family went to Kuantan. At 1st i refused to go since critical problem at office, but i already promise my sis to come along so i just went. We stayed at Kuantan Tembeling Resort located near teluk cempedak. I feel so bored here, nothing to do except eat,eat and eat.

Dinner at Tg.Lumpur.
Lunch at Akob Patin House.
Jacuzzi in Cold Water?hehehe

Saturday, October 4, 2008

26 Ramadhan 1429H....Pemergian Angah Ke Rahmatullah

Tanggal 26hb September 2008 bersamaan 26 Ramadhan 1429H adalah satu tarikh yg tak mungkin dapat kami sekeluarga lupakan. Pemergian Angah yg merupakan kakak ku yg kedua amat2 dirasai. Kehilangannya yg secara tiba2 tanpa sakit, amat terasa apatah lagi kedua ibubapa ku serta suami dan anak2nya.

Angah memang kakak yg baik, anak yg taat, isteri yg solehah dan ibu yg sangat penyabar. Sikapnya yang tidak banyak bicara, tetapi tidak lokek dengan berbagai bantuan pasti akan kami rindui. Siapa lagi nak mengganti Angah dengan roti jalanya bila setiap kali jamuan keluarga diadakan. Setiap kali tiba hari raya Angah lah yg mula2 datang untuk membantu mak menyiang daging, membasuh ayam, mengupas telur dan yg paling rajin melayan emak berborak.

Pada anak2nya tolonglah sentiasa mendoakan ibumu disana.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Lets the picture tells the thousand words..........

Recipe 2: Chocolate Chips Cookies

The must try choc chip, u won't regret at all. The taste is so marvelous, everybody love it so much. Got this recipe from kak Lieza photopages, many had known how good the cookies is.I don't want to keep it myself, so here it goes


Bahan A
250 g butter
160 g gula halus
1 biji kuning telur
1 s/k esen vanilla

Bahan B [gaul rata]
230 g tepung biskut ]-red rose
20 g serbuk koko ] ayakkan
100 g coklat cips
50 g white coklat cips [boleh gantikan dgn coklat rice]
50 g badam cincang [roasted]
50 g nestum

1. Gaulkan butter dan gula sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan kuning telur dan esen vanila. Kacau rata.
3. Masukkan bahan B perlahan dan kacaukan dengan senduk kayu.
4. Sudukan adunan kecil2 [besar guli] dalam loyang.
5. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan suhu 180'C selama 25 minit atau sehingga masak.
6. Sejukkan dan simpan dalam balang kedap udara.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Recipe 1 : Marble Cheese Cake

Festive spirit.....dah nak raya kan...jadi nak sharelah dgn sesapa yg sudi baca blog aku ni. Got this recipe from forum koleksi resipi diana, so i tried bake it last 2 weeks. The taste not as what I expected but whoever eat it like it, so here it goes the recipe...
Bahan A
180 gram mentega
20 gram serbuk koko, diayak
170 gram gula kaster
3 biji telur
120 gram tepung naik sendiri, diayak
1 sudu teh baking powder, diayak

Bahan B
250 gram krim keju
60 gram gula kaster
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 biji telur

1. Pukul butter and gula.
2. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji.
3. Masukkan tepung, serbuk koko dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata.
4. Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesumua bahan bahan B hingga kembang.
5. Tuang 1 bahagian adunan A kedalam loyang berukuran 7" dan ratakan. Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang.
6. Tuangkan baki adunan A.
7. Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins.
8. Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang.

Try it yourself, u will not regret

Kad Raya... the one & only

My first raya card this year...guess, who it is from? He already told me that he posted the card and it was not surprising anymore, but the sizes and the words in it made me delighted.

Thank you so much and I appreciated whatever u did to me.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

2 in 1 ...After A Long Silence


Lamanya tak posting apa-apa kat sini, sibuk melayan tagged..hahaha. should i start? I think it was 'basi' already but then it was about my brother and family, who already been in Moscow right now. Their flight was on 23rd July 2008 at 11.50 pm. So we gathered at our parent's house, solat maghrib berjemaah and makan. After maghrib bergerak ke KLIA. Banyak betul barang yg abg ayol bawak....2 boxes terpaksa ditinggalkan, terlebih muatan.My 3 nephews Farhan, Danish and in Moscow...hopefully they can cope up with new life in moscow. Kakak@Marsya@Cinderella...dah tak nak balik malaysia katanya...

Cikyah rindu sangat kat korang semua....semoga bila balik nanti masing-masing membawa perubahan yang positif....Farhan ~ semoga lebih berani, Danish ~menjadi lebih baik dan tak nakal2 lagi, Akif ~ u r really a good boy semoga berterusan begitu and Marsya~jangan lagi terjerit-jerit and hope you really behave like princess.


On 1st August 2008, my nephew's Mohd Naqiudin received scholarship to further his study to Mesir. He was sponsored by Amanah Raya Berhad. I'm proud of you Naqi. Dari kecik lagi Naqi memang mempunyai kecendurungan untuk mendalami ilmu agama. Majlis dilancarkan di Hilton KL, dan dirasmikan oleh YB Dato'Seri Najib....disebabkan aku jadi penjamin, so I was invited.

20 orang pelajar yg menerima biasiswa ke Mesir

The proud Ibu & Ayah

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Nothing much to do last sunday, gaji pun belum masuk nak shopping pun malas, tambahan pulak barang semakin mahal. Since had promise dafina to have an ice cream at Mc D, so we went there after lunch.

Dafina not only have an ice cream but also got a bar of chocolate...look at her hand. This little girl never stop eating.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Magic Soap ~ Eumora

May be i'm a bit exaggerated but this cleanser/ soap is really works on me.

When 1st time i read about eumora, i'm so excited to get it at once. Nasib baiklah salon Fasz Health ni berdekatan jer dengan rumah, senanglah nak pi kan. So last saturday I pegilah dgn my sister, Ina the beautition buat demonstrate kat muka kita org ni. After 3 minit dah apply kat muka rasa sejuk jer, eh eh lembut lah rasa muka ni.

Balik rumah promot pulak kat adik dgn along....semua dah excited, tiba2 mak pun nak. Hehe seronok pulak tgk semua org excited nakkan sabun ni.

Malam tadi ade jerawat nak mengembang kat bawah bibir ni, apa lagi terus tepekkan sikit sabun ni kat jerawat tu, rasa berdenyut2....pagi ni dah kecut, its so amazing...hehe, overnya aku.

After a few days pakai, memang terasa kulit bertambah lembut, dark circle dah mula mengurang and i hope parut2 jerawat ni akan hilang sikit demi sikit. Selalunya aku memang susah nak beli cleanser yang macam ni, sebab takut kulitmengelupas but this one memang tak mengelupas and kulit rasa lembut dan lembap, tak merengsakan. I like it so much, and its also works on my hair. Apa2 pun semuanya bergantung pada kehendakNya juga.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My 2 elder brothers

See at this 2 guys, are they have the same look? Not at all, right. Both are them are my elder brothers. Abg Ayol & abg Ajak, really difference in many ways. One is more cool and warm, and the other is very firm and fussy. But something they have in common is both of them like traveling, and they travelled a lot...and who is the lucky one, of course it's ME, coz i will get many souvenirs..being the younger sister, they pampered me with gifts and souvenirs.

Abg Ajak is still single, very nice to his parents and family, not smoking, very 'pemurah' ermmm... am I promote my own brother? heheh...guess so.

Abg Ayol have 4 children, he supported my study when i did my diploma. I remember the 1st time he brought his 3 'adik' that were me, nuar and abg ajak to watch movie in Rex or Cathay (tak ingat), it was a good time ever. Married with Kak Lin, a great sis in law. We will miss u Abg Ayol, since u have to be posting to Moscow soon.

I still remember when i was young, I want my future husband like my brothers especially with their good attitudes. That's why i still can't find one..huhuh

Weekend at Country Villa

Last weekend, my sis invites me and parents untuk rehat2 di country villa, located in Kajang. Suasananya hijau sangat dan sangat2 damai. Disepanjang jalan utk ke villa, pandangan kita akan dihiasi dengan banglo-banglo mewah yang memang tak akan kumiliki...hehe. All the way my mouth was wooooo....and waaaahhh with the design and impressive with the size of each niece and nephews having good time at park

'adik' cuba melepasi palang

Dinner at well known satay kajang
"Sate Samuri"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Nieces' Birthday

Due to work loaded, I do not have time to post anything here. Last sunday, my family celebrated birthday of our cute little girls Marsya and Arissa. Both were born on 18th may but different years, Marsya was on 2005 and Arissa was 2006.
This two girls "not ngam" to each other, they fight for everything, suppose they should be best friend, best cousin but it seem the other way round.

Marsya & Arissa share the same cake

Patiently wait before open the presents

Marsya on her 3rd Birthday celebration

Arissa Dafina as always smile on her 2nd birthday celebration.

With their own cup cakes

Friday, May 9, 2008

Visit Terengganu ~ episod 3

Our 2nd day in terengganu, I woke up early to see sunrise in Penarik, very nice view. Thanks for Allah's creature. We went to Izan's house for breakfast, what a lovely nasi lemak she served us...can't stop eating the'sambal', thank you makcik and pakcik for your generousity, hopefully we will meet again!

Our journey continues toward kuala terengganu, stop at batu rakit bought some keropok (crackers). Next, we visited masjid kristal, terengganu's new tourist attraction.

Before we check in at the resort, we went for shopping at Pasar Payang, the best place to buy souvenirs to family and friends. Since we went during Jumaat prayer some of the stores were close.
songket and batik the most popular and the best handmade from terengganu.

After both hands can't carrying anything else, we must go out from pasar payang...hehe. We had lunched at taman selera batu buruk, very expensive, is it because we were outsider? I guess so.

After made a few rounds at pantai batu buruk, we succeed to arrive at the right place...Intan Beach Resort, new resort coz of this there is no signboard. We are satisfied with the condition, the room have 2 double beds,sea view, big, clean, the tv has astro and function well and cost us RM150 only.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Visit Terengganu ~ episod 2

From Marang we made a move to Setiu, our old friend Izan n family were waiting for us. Pantai Penarik is our next stop...beautiful beach, sandy beach with dark blue and green ocean.

Pantai Penarik ~ 3rd pit stop

At penarik we had I.C.T (Ikan Celup Tepung), first time we ate fish, squid without nasi(rice), felt weird but the taste not bad at all.But cannot eat too much

Then went to the resort for rest, after a full day in humid weather we really need a good shower. Izan have book a room at Pandan Laut Beach Resort, still under contruction, we were the only guest on that day, nothing much to do...try to sleep, but nobody can sleep well that nite.

I'm Tired

Dah lama aku sabar, dah lama sangat aku jaga hati dia, aku dah tak larat...penat! setiap kali aku yg kena fikir mana pegi, dia sihat ke, aku tadah telinga dengar cerita dia jer, cerita aku dia tak kisah

Semalam, 7/8/2008 aku mintak putus...lega ke aku???

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Visit Terengganu 2008

I really need a vacation, so with my 3 pals we went to terengganu. The journey started as earlier as we can, so by 7.45 a.m we were ready to go.....very early, right!hahaha...of course not.

1st pit stop - temerloh

Since this was a long journey, we can't simply stop here and there, eventhough along the journey from cherating to terengganu we seen a lot of nice scenery, we just bother it, with hope that when we come back on 3rd may the scenery is nice as we see now....

Took a break at Marang, while waiting friend take us for lunch, took a few snap at the mosque

We had lunch at stall nearby, to be precise the stall is near marang jetty, each of us took squid in our meal, look fresh and taste fresh too.Again we took photos