Monday, September 22, 2008


Lets the picture tells the thousand words..........

Recipe 2: Chocolate Chips Cookies

The must try choc chip, u won't regret at all. The taste is so marvelous, everybody love it so much. Got this recipe from kak Lieza photopages, many had known how good the cookies is.I don't want to keep it myself, so here it goes


Bahan A
250 g butter
160 g gula halus
1 biji kuning telur
1 s/k esen vanilla

Bahan B [gaul rata]
230 g tepung biskut ]-red rose
20 g serbuk koko ] ayakkan
100 g coklat cips
50 g white coklat cips [boleh gantikan dgn coklat rice]
50 g badam cincang [roasted]
50 g nestum

1. Gaulkan butter dan gula sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan kuning telur dan esen vanila. Kacau rata.
3. Masukkan bahan B perlahan dan kacaukan dengan senduk kayu.
4. Sudukan adunan kecil2 [besar guli] dalam loyang.
5. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan suhu 180'C selama 25 minit atau sehingga masak.
6. Sejukkan dan simpan dalam balang kedap udara.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Recipe 1 : Marble Cheese Cake

Festive spirit.....dah nak raya kan...jadi nak sharelah dgn sesapa yg sudi baca blog aku ni. Got this recipe from forum koleksi resipi diana, so i tried bake it last 2 weeks. The taste not as what I expected but whoever eat it like it, so here it goes the recipe...
Bahan A
180 gram mentega
20 gram serbuk koko, diayak
170 gram gula kaster
3 biji telur
120 gram tepung naik sendiri, diayak
1 sudu teh baking powder, diayak

Bahan B
250 gram krim keju
60 gram gula kaster
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 biji telur

1. Pukul butter and gula.
2. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji.
3. Masukkan tepung, serbuk koko dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata.
4. Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesumua bahan bahan B hingga kembang.
5. Tuang 1 bahagian adunan A kedalam loyang berukuran 7" dan ratakan. Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang.
6. Tuangkan baki adunan A.
7. Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins.
8. Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang.

Try it yourself, u will not regret

Kad Raya... the one & only

My first raya card this year...guess, who it is from? He already told me that he posted the card and it was not surprising anymore, but the sizes and the words in it made me delighted.

Thank you so much and I appreciated whatever u did to me.